Caring For Your Camera

Most DSLR camera users, especially beginners do not much know how to care for and maintain good health and the right camera. Caring for the camera is important because the money that you spend no value if not accompanied with the maximum care. Then how the hell do I care for and maintain a good and true?

Once you get a DSLR camera is desirable, it needs to be quick to think how to save and care for the procedure properly.


The camera is an instance of a class of optical devices that are vulnerable to natural conditions around, What is it with the environment? The greatest enemy of a camera is the humidity, and moisture is a source of any mold that would undermine the ability of the camera lens and the camera itself. Fungus that eats away the camera is usually attached to the camera lens and if it will be seen by naked eye is shaped like the white fibers that attach to the glass lens. Fibers that course I will lower your image quality and with short accelerating retirement of your lens.

So how good way to keep it?

The best way to save the a camera / lens is to provide an airtight box, or better known by the photographer by the name drybox. Drybox provides a safe moisture for a camera so as to avoid interference from those pesky fungus. Drybox price ranges offered in the market range from $ 24 to $ 150 for a large-scale storage. Store it in a drybox with you certainly do not have to worry anymore against fungi which sometimes lurks a camera / lens of your pet. The temperature required to meet the standard camera store in the drybox ranged between 26-29 centigrade and humidity tolerance between 45% - 55% below the camera lens you will be a land tender for the fungus, but if the above tolerance is the rubber contained in the camera will loose and also inhibits the activity of the shooting because semcam existing oil will dry up in the camera.


General maintenance performed by a photographer's camera has actually been available in stores selling cameras and accessories. This equipment is usually available in the form of lens pen, blower, lens tissue and lens cleaning fluid. The camera is very easy care, you live a consistent set of time when cleaning it and the steps that must be done dibuku manuals are also available. Broadly speaking, treatment stems from the use of a functioning blower removes micro dust that sticks to avoid scratches on the lens, viewfinder, or LCD screen. Then be rubbed with a lens pen clockwise to perfect cleaning dirt and ended with a special use lens cleaning fluid and tissue specific.

So little brief explanation of how to store and maintain the camera properly.

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